If you are going on vacation and looking to rent a vehicle, you may find that most of the major rental companies require you to have a credit card. However, there are a few companies, referred to as no-credit auto rentals, that allow you to rent a car without a credit card. But, these companies may need more information from you since they will not have a credit card on file. Here is some of the information you may be asked to provide if you plan on using a no-credit car rental company.
A Copy of a Utility Bill
When someone moves, they do not always update the address on their driver's license. As such, many no-credit auto rental companies require you to show a current utility bill in order to rent from them. This is important, as it helps the company to find you in case you do not return the vehicle.
Emergency Contact Information
If you are renting a car from a no-credit auto rental company, you may be asked to provide emergency contact information. This may be relatives or friends. Once again, the company wants a way to find you in case the vehicle is not returned, as they have no credit card to charge if that happens.
Proof of Roundtrip Airline Tickets
Some companies that offer no-credit auto rentals only allow those who have a return plane ticket to rent from them. This helps to show the rental company that you are leaving the area on a specific date, and helps to increase the chances of you returning the car. As such, be prepared to show proof of roundtrip tickets when renting from a no-credit car rental company.
A Debit Card or Certified Cashier Check
Lastly, since you are not using a credit card to secure your rental and pay for the deposit, the rental company may require you to pay using a debit card or a certified cashier's check. Always find out ahead of time what payment methods a no-credit car rental company offers.
Car rental companies are starting to realize that not everyone has a credit card, and as such, some companies are offering no-credit auto rentals. However, in lieu of providing a valid credit card, you may be asked to provide additional information, such as proof of employment, emergency contact information, proof of a roundtrip airline ticket and/or a debit card or certified cashier check for the deposit. Each and every company is slightly different, so it is always best to ask a no-credit auto rental company what information you may need to provide at the time you are renting the vehicle.