The tires of your car will experience some of the most intensive forms of wear and tear. Unfortunately, tires that have suffered excessive wear and tear may represent a major safety hazard. Therefore, it is important for car owners to have a reasonable understanding about the steps that should be taken for maximizing the performance of their tires.
Rotate And Balance Your Tires
Rotating and balancing the tires are essential forms of maintenance. However, car owners will frequently fail to appreciate the importance of this task. Over the course of driving, the wear and tear that the tires suffer may not be evenly distributed. This can result in the tires needing to be replaced prematurely or experiencing a major failure. When you rotate and balance the tires, you will be helping to ensure that the wear and tear is more evenly distributed. Ideally, this should be done every time you have your oil changed.
Use Snow Chains When The Roads Are Icy
If you live in a cold climate area, winter weather can make the roads particularly hazardous to use. This can be due to the prevalence of ice and snow on the road as it can inhibit the ability of the tires to maintain traction with the road. In order to overcome this potential safety hazard, you should consider using snow chains. These are chains that go on the exterior of the tires, which can break the ice and snow so that the tires get good traction with the pavement. Prior to putting the snow chains on the tires, you should verify that your tires are compatible with these chains.
Monitor The Tread Depth And Air Pressure
Car owners that fail to regularly check the threads and air pressure of their tires may inadvertently make the mistake of driving the car with unsafe tires. At least once every few weeks, you should check the tread depth of the tires. When the tread depth gets too shallow, it can contribute to the tires having difficulty maintaining traction, and this could be particularly true during periods when the roads are slick. Car owners will often fail to appreciate that the air pressure of their tires can vary greatly depending on the temperature. When the temperature is low, the air pressure may decrease, which can make the car somewhat more difficult to control. Checking the air pressure at the start of each season can let you know whether these natural fluctuations have caused the pressure to get either too high or low so that you can take corrective actions.
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